Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Dog Ear Infection Medication

Dog ear infection medication can help alleviate pain and cure this disease, which can potentially be caused by a varied number of reasons. These infections can be caused by fleas to tumors inside their ears. So, proper treatment and medication is the order of the day.

These are some treatments for dog ear infections.

Sample Dog Ear Infection Medication

· This is a natural dog ear infection treatment and usually works great. Firstly, the ears have to be washed thoroughly with some hydrogen peroxide. The next step would be to fill the ear canal with nu-stock and a proper massage be given to the ears. It is highly recommended that this is done outside the house as dogs tend to shake their heads wildly after this. For people wondering as to what and where one can get nu-stock, it is freely available at all feed, farm, tractor supply stores.

· This is another home-made solution to use as a substitute for dog ear infection medication. First, clean the infected ears with water and vinegar solution. Secondly, apply garlic olive oil inside the ears. If there is any inflammation one can lessen it using Calendula salve.

· Another home-made remedy is Listerine. It is nothing but mouth wash. All you have to do is to soak a cotton ball in the Listerine and put it down their ears and massage it a bit. They might feel a burning sensation and they might twitch a bit.

· If the dog ear infections are visible from outside and if its symptoms are irritation, redness and inflammation, then apply warm compress on the affected area.

· Another home-made remedy would be to apply drops of cod liver oil or Vitamin E oil. Also, apple cider, vinegar mixed with water can be used.

· If the infection is very mild, garlic soaked in olive oil can be used as a remedy.

· There are also various herbal anti-flee or anti-mites powder that can be sprinkled if the infection is caused by flees or mites.

· If there is inflammation of ears due to infection, then Vitamin C can help to reduce the inflammation. Care should be taken in the amount of Vitamin C administered, as over dose can lead to diarrhea.

· Increasing air circulation inside the ears can reduce the growth of bacteria which is the sole reason for infection. So regular trimming of hairs will help counter infections and reduce the need for dog ear infection medication.

How to reduce the need for dog ear infection medication

· High quality commercial dog food which does not contain any preservative or additives can help reduce wax accumulation inside the ears. This would help in prevention of infections.

· If the dog is taken to a vet, he/she may administer Panalog into the ear. This is done to counter the irritation inside the ear. This would be usually followed up by an antibiotic injection. Sometimes even oral antibiotics may be used.

· If the vet feels the infection is severe, then there may be a need for a surgery. This is done to open up the ear canal. Once it is opened, it is cleaned thoroughly and cleansed of all infections.

· Also if the infection is chronic the vet may take a culture of the fluid from the dog's ears to diagnose the issue.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Main Causes of Dog Ear Infections

One of the common diseases in dogs is troubling, and we need to figure out the main causes of dog ear infections. The most susceptible to it are the floppy-eared dogs due to a lesser flow of air when compared to the straight or upright ears.

Dogs may develop ear infection all of a sudden and knowing the exact cause can actually end up in proper cure of the disease.

There are many main causes of dog ear infections. They may vary from wet ears which are not dried after a swim or a bath, accumulation of ear wax, unattended ear mites, grass seeds, cotton tips used to clean ears, growth in the ear canal. If you see that your dog is rubbing its ears, tilting his head to one side, or down, continuous shaking of his head, and if the ears look red, swollen or patchy, they need to be attended soon.

Some of the common causes of ear infection in dogs are listed below. Being aware of these causes can help you in building a more effective prevention.

Common Main Causes of Dog Ear Infections

· One of the common reasons which trigger an infection in a dog’s ear can be the presence of a foreign particle. These infections would require surgery to be removed. If the infections is in the middle ear then flushing out may work.

· Bacterial Attack: Bacteria not only cause infection in ears but can affect different parts of the body. They might not be the reason to instigate the disease but can definitely worsen the case. They trigger skin disease which could later take the shape of dog ear infections.

· Another common reason for dog ear infections is ear mites. They are the most common in young dogs. If you are sure that your pet is infected with these parasites, then no prize for guessing that he is suffering form ear infection. When the dog scratches its head and ears, the mites spread on different parts of the body.

· If mites are the cause in the younger dogs, then older dogs are more susceptible to tumors which develop in the wax glands. If so, then surgical removal of the tumor is the only solution.

· Some dogs may be allergic to certain foods. Hence, if you are wondering what reason behind the recurring of the ear infection is, then this might be one of the reasons. The best thing to do is trying to recall the food items that your dog had eaten. Try to avoid those food items for sometime and check if the infection reappears.

· Plucking of the hairs out of the dog’s ears is another main cause of dog ear infections. The serum is a very good breeding area for bacteria which later ends up in infection.

· The swollen lymph nodes are known as puppy strangles. This is the symptom of the disease and it is an intricate disease as this ends up in ear infection. Make sure you take your dog to the right vet for immediate treatment if you feel that your dog is suffering from this. Even better, try to prevent dog ear infections by taking the proper precautions.

Whenever you see your dog scratching its ear often ill tempered or high wax excretion, be prepared to take it to the vet. It is always good to keep a strict vigil on your pet’s health problems in the long run so that you know what the main causes of dog ear infections are.

Treatments For Dog Ear Infections

Treatments for dog ear infections are very common, as you will discover. There are three main reasons for ears to get infected in dogs. They would be heat, oil and humidity. What happens when an ear is infected? The inside of the ear becomes red and starts to swell. This usually happens when the temperature outside increases. Also, there is a strong odor emitted from the ears. So, the easiest way to know that the ears are infected is by smell. It is always better to go to a veterinarian if the ear infection lasts a number of days. But in most cases they can be treated at home.

So how does one go about treating dog ear infections?

· First and foremost, all the dirt inside the ears has to be cleaned thoroughly. This can be done by using a piece of gauze or a smooth dry cloth. Do remember not to use cotton to clean the infected area.

· Secondly, the ears have to be disinfected. A cleaning solution can be made at home by mixing vinegar, alcohol and water in equal proportion. A piece of gauze dipped in the solution can be used to clean the ears about twice a day.

What if the treatments for dog ear infections do not work?

· If the infection persists then it’s better to consult a veterinarian. Based on the extent of infections, the doctor may prescribe antimicrobial eardrops. The other solution that might be prescribed is an oral drop which has to be mixed with water or dog food.

· It is advisable to visit the doctor regularly till the infection ceases.

· Proper care has to be taken and hygiene of the dog is also very important. The infection can be caused by drops of water which is trapped inside the ear. So, care should be taken to make sure that the dog’s ears are completely dry.

· There are some cases of infections that are caused by tumors. In those cases surgery is the only treatment. These surgeries are performed by specialists at their clinic. And depending on the surgery performed, the dog has to be in the clinic for a day or two.

When a vet should be treating dog ear infections

· If in case a foreign particle goes inside the ears, it is advisable to flush it out. Again, it is a vet who should perform this and nobody else should attempt to do this procedure as it could prove very dangerous.

· Proper care should be taken to make sure that the dog is free of flees. Flees can cause infection too. Flees can be transmitted from other dogs. So regular care should be taken to keep the dog flees free.

· Most of the time, treatment can cure them but there can be infections which are recurring and chronic. And these cases are harder to cure. So it would require regular consultations with the vet for a long time.

Though infections are regular in dogs they need to be treated with care. Not treating dog ear infections can be very painful and at times can result even in hear loss.

It is advisable to prevent these infections by regular cleaning of ears using a good ear cleansing solution.

Preventing Dog Ear Infections

Just imagine the amount of pain your dogs undergo whenn you can't figure out how to prevent dog ear infections. Have you ever noticed that all floppy eared breeds of dogs can be at risk of getting an ear infection? The main reason behind this is the warmth and moisture the ear flap holds within. With the right hygienic practice, ear infection in dogs can be easily prevented.

Always remember well-groomed dogs rarely get infected with any diseases. The health of your pet is in your hands. If you know how to take care of them, you can give them a long, cheerful and strong life.

As a pet owner, the signs you must look for is the display of discomfort your dog experiences by shaking his/her head or scratching the ears. Often red and inflamed ears with unpleasant smell are another sign of infection. Infection in the middle ear can be judged when the dog often tilts his/her head. By practicing preventive care at home, you can help prevent dog ear infections.

Basic steps to prevent dog ear infections

Regular visits to a grooming center are really important to preventing dog ear infections. Dogs with floppy ears have literally closed ears leaving minimal air circulation inside, leaving them more susceptible for accumulation of wax.

If you think that you need to clean the ears of your dog, let me tell you it isn’t really necessary unless and until it is really visible on the outer ear. The dog’s ears have a natural way of cleaning itself. So, you need not bother to clean it everyday.

Another thing to take care is to make sure that your dog’s ear is dry after every bath. Restrict the inner ear from getting wet as this can set off an infection. If bacteria get combined with it then the infection will worsen.

Also, make sure that your dog is mite free and flea free as this too can trigger ear infection. Anti mite and anti flea powders are easily available for purchase. You can sprinkle them on your pet after you give them a bath. This will act as a protection as the special formulation keeps all parasites away.

One of the unlikely reasons is foreign objects finding its way in your dog’s ear. Though rare, it may still occur. Foreign objects can vary from sticks, stems, stones or small leaves. Hence, you must know where your dog goes. The active ones and those which are outdoors all the time are the worst sufferers of this.

Again getting your vet involved and taking his suggestion is very important. He should be the one who does the ear cytology. This is to determine the causes of the ear infection.

If you think that you are battling with the infection for a long time, ask about the various surgeries that are available. The surgeries are mainly done to open up the ear canal to enhance the air flow which will prevent any future ear infections as well as it will remove any existing infections.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Complications with Dog Ear Infections

If your pet's dog ear infections are not treated at the right time, then it can lead to more trouble. Do remember your pet requires the same medical attention that you need. And as an owner, it is your responsibility to give him everything that is required to maintain a normal life. Please make sure you give that extra care to your dog when it is sick.

To the outside world, dog ear infections may seem to be a very minute problem. But as an owner you need to understand that if left unattended, this may take a very bad shape. One thing to worry is that a simple ear infection takes the form of a sarcoma which is a form of tumor that forms on the ear canal. This type of dog ear infection treatment will require a surgery. Other types of tumors that may develop are hemangiosarcoma and malignant melanoma.

One of the worst things is that a dog suffering from severe case of ear infection has all the chances of developing facial nerve problems as well. Reason being, the ears are part of their heads. This condition is termed as otitis media.

Deafness is another major complication of dog ear infections. A very normal and minor case of ear infection if left unattended due to the owner’s negligence, poor hygiene, and unhealthy surroundings can result in the damage of the inner ear which ultimately results in deafness.

In extreme cases of ear infection, one thing that is apparent is the rashes of the cartilages of the ears. Again, unless the dogs are involved in a fight, this condition is not common. There could be a cut in the cartilages of the ear. This is another reason for dog deafness.

Development of bacterial meningitis in your pet is one of the rare cases which occur due to a rising path from the ear to the brainstem region of the dog that the bacteria find out. This bacteria forms abscess in the brain area which is very hard to treat.

If one thinks that an ear infection will get better without medical assistance, then let me tell you that the chances are very few. When an infection is left unattended, it might cause a rupture in the eardrum resulting in a middle ear infection and your pet looses its balance. At this stage treatment or cure becomes very difficult and this ultimately results in loss of hearing. The dog starts to continuously shake his head when it has an ear infection which causes a blood blister in the ear which later needs a surgery. In some cases the infection moves up the acoustic nerve and causes a fatal brain infection. Do remember that an infection is neither your fault nor your pets. Your pet will always love you for the extra care and time that you gave it throughout the period.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Dog ear infections

You might have heard about ear infections in humans but do you know that it is also a major issue & cause for dog ear infections. Although, you might keep your pet clean but still there are some areas, where infection occurs like, in the regions around ear. To ensure that your pet does not suffer from such issues and infections please, read on.

Infection in and around ear of dogs is mainly caused due to bacteria or yeast. In medical terms it is known as Otitis Externa. A sign of this infection might be a vigorous shaking of head by your pet, in order to let the fluid out. The ear then, becomes inflamed and quite often (not always), emits a foul odor. Sometimes it is accompanied by a yellow-colored discharge.

One of the most common of all the dog ear infections is “ear mite”. These infections are more prevalent among puppies. It might be introduced to the older dogs from infected puppies. Ear mites often leads to secondary infection. Infact, by the time you get in touch and consult a vet, the ear mite may have disappeared but that secondary infection might still remain.

There are several types of bacteria and a few variant of fungus which are responsible for most of the ear infections amongst the dogs. Without knowing the kind of infection present, it is difficult for a vet to advice any suitable drugs. Sometimes, there might also be a tumor or a foreign body which is causing the infection. One thing that is important to note here is that your pet`s ear drum should be intact. If the eardrum is damaged then your dog might experience loss in hearing. The medication has to be administered accordingly so, as not to inflict any damage to the sensitive parts of your pet`s ear.

A prolonged dog ear infection makes the life miserable for your pet. It experiences frequent bouts of itching, pain, severe headaches. If the infection becomes serious then, your pet might not even allow a vet to touch its ear then, it has to be given sedatives, so that a complete examination of its ear can be done.

Dog Ear Infection Symptoms

Since, the symptoms are similar for most types of ear infection, many dog-owner think they could just get any common drug for their pet to deal with its ear infection. However, I would advise against doing any such thing. Each infection is a bit different from the other and might well be caused by either, bacteria or yeast (fungus), or some other kind of organisms. Each of those require different method as well as drug for proper treatment. So, for the sake of your own pet, please do not do any such thing.

Types of Dog Ear Infections

A small number of dogs might have more than one type of infection. This makes the treatment a tad more complex. In that case your vet would advise you a multiple or a broad spectrum medication for your dog. Even smaller number of dogs face recurrent issues of ear infection. This might be due to an underlying problem or low “thyroid” function. In that case your pet would need to be thoroughly diagnosed.

Hopefully, after a proper treatment as suggested by the veterinarian, your pet would not have any more recurrent ear infections.